Friday, October 14, 2016

Top 5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Need

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Start small by incorporating these top 5 anti-inflammatory foods like chia seeds and flax seeds, blueberries, ginger, turmeric and green leafy vegetables into your daily meals. Take ownership for creating the healthiest version of you and establishing good eating habits for your loved ones.

We all know that the root cause of most chronic health conditions is inflammation in the body. This can be from environmental toxicity, skin care products you are using, foods you are eating, stress, and many other factors.
Your body can only do so much to cleanse the system and then it shows up in many ways and different health ailments. It is important to understand you can do A LOT to lower the inflammation in your body and one very simple way is to eat foods that naturally lower inflammation for you.
I’ve put together a list of my top 5 favorite foods to incorporate daily. Remember you do have the power to choose what you put in your body, so choose wisely.

Top 5 Foods To Include In Your Diet

1. Chia Seeds And Flaxseeds

These are two favorite seeds that are so easy to add to any of your dishes. These are excellent sources of Omega 3. Chia seeds can reverse inflammation and lower blood pressure which is great for heart health. Flaxseeds are an excellent source of antioxidants which is great for hormonal balance and cellular health. You can simply add these to a smoothie, sprinkle on oatmeal, add to pancake batter, mix with muffins and so many other simple ways to incorporate.

2. Tumeric

Most of you have heard of the amazing benefits of adding tumeric to your diet. Tumeric’s primary compound is curcumin, which is an active anti-inflammatory compound. Adding this daily will really help lower the inflammation in your body. You can take it in capsule form or add it to your diet.

3. Blueberries

Who doesn’t LOVE blueberries? This is one of my favorite anti-inflammatory foods. These berries contain quercetin which fights inflammation and is high in antioxidants. You can add these berries to everything! Yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, smoothies, salads and more. Make a point of eating these berries daily to support your body.

4. Green Leafy Vegetables

These vegetables are anti-inflammatory and HUGE in antioxidants which helps with free radicals in the body. We are over exposed to toxins in so many ways and it is very important to do your part in lowering the toxic load. When buying green leafy vegetables try to buy organic if possible and simply incorporate them into your daily meals. I love putting a handful of kale or spinach in my smoothies!

5. Ginger

I love ginger! Whether you use fresh or dried (personally I use the essential oil ginger which is highly concentrated and more powerful than the dried herb) and I add it to drinks or soups. Ginger reduces inflammation and helps lower the toxins in your body

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